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Valentine’s DayValentine’s Day celebrations are often surrounded by the people you love, delicious food, and candy. However, people who have food allergies must be extra careful during this holiday.

Thankfully, the Langford Allergy team is here to help you with your food allergies!

Contact us today to schedule an appointment before Valentine’s Day arrives.

Consider the following ways you can take extra precaution on this food-filled day:

Food Allergies & Kids

Young children may have a hard time understanding their food allergies. However, the more you talk to them about their allergies, the better they’ll understand. You can even play games with them to help them remember which foods they’re allergic to and which foods are safe to eat.

Teenagers may understand the severity of their food allergies a little better than young children, but it’s still important to remind them which foods aren’t safe to eat.

Additionally, if your teenager is having a Valentine’s Day date, remind them that kissing someone who has eaten an unsafe food can cause an allergic reaction. Encourage them to bring their epinephrine injector wherever they go to ensure they have the proper tools in case anaphylactic shock occurs.

Food Allergies & School Parties

If your child’s class is having a Valentine’s Day party, talk to your child’s teacher about his food allergies. It’s imperative that children with food allergies do not share food with other kids. There are ways to avoid this from happening – simply replace Valentine’s Day candy with fun activities. Consider these ideas:

  • Construct paper flowers from tissue paper
  • Create cards and exchange them at the party
  • Decorate Valentine’s Day posters or bulletin boards
  • Exchange stickers, pencils, and other trinkets
  • Host an outfit contest and play games
  • Make friendship bracelets

Celebrate With Us!

It’s not only the month of love, but our four-year anniversary month! That’s right. Langford Allergy opened in Middle Georgia in February 2014. Schedule an appointment today, and celebrate health and wellness with the Langford Allergy team!