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allergy testing

As mold spores travel through the air, they can enter an unknowing person’s nose or mouth and cause frustrating allergy symptoms. Allow us to explain what a mold allergy entails, how your allergist will test for this, and available treatment options.

Mold Allergy Details

A mold allergy occurs when mold spores are released into the air and enter your nose or mouth. Your body reacts to these “invaders” by producing histamine, a natural chemical in your body, to fight off these spores. If they enter through your nostrils, you’ll likely experience allergy symptoms such as a runny or congested nose, watery or itchy eyes, sneezing, and headaches.

If they enter through your mouth, they could enter your lungs and cause asthma symptoms to surface. You may experience symptoms such as wheezing, chest tightness, chronic coughing, chest pain, or others. Frustratingly, unlike pollen, a mold allergy can be present year rounds, as it’s common for mold to thrive during the summer and fall months and any time of the year if it’s in your home!

How to Test for a Mold Allergy

There are two ways to test for a mold allergy – via a skin test or allergen specific IgE blood test. During a skin test, your allergist will scratch or prick your skin and place the allergen on the area. If an allergic reaction occurs in the area the allergen was placed – i.e. raised bumps, itchiness, or redness – it’s likely that you have a mold allergy.

If your allergist chooses to perform an allergen specific IgE blood test, he will take a sample of your blood, add the allergen to the sample, and measure how the levels of different IgE antibodies. In both scenarios, your allergist can accurately diagnose you and discuss treatment options with you.

Mold Allergy Treatment Options

Having a sensitivity or allergy to mold can severely affect your health-related quality of life. We want you to thrive in your home and outdoors, and that can be nearly impossible if you’re constantly sneezing or wiping your watery eyes. After diagnosing your mold allergy, your allergist will discuss different . Additionally, he will talk to you about immunotherapy, a treatment option that teaches your immune system not to overreact when mold spores enter your body.

Put a stop to mold allergy symptoms! Make an appointment today: 478-787-4728